mana onodera在宅勤務が多く、運動不足だったためお邪魔しました。 堀切菖蒲園駅前すぐで立地もよく、改札のすぐ近くにあるのでアクセスしやすいのが推しポイント! また、ウェアや靴も全て貸し出してくれるので、予定前後や...在宅勤務が多く、運動不足だったためお邪魔しました。
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I stopped by because I work from home a lot and don't get enough exercise.
It's conveniently located right in front of Horikiri Shobuen Station, and the best part is that it's easy to access as it's right next to the ticket gate!
Also, they rent out all clothing and shoes, so it was great to be able to go empty-handed before, during, or after work.
Even if you don't know anything about how to use your body, the trainer who worked as a physical therapist will be able to cover the training accurately, so it is recommended for beginners!
The trainer used candy and whips and praised me for my hard work, so I was able to finish the training in no time without having to worry about it.❤️🔥
Thank you very much for your continued support! ! ! -
S I優しく指導してもらえるだけでなく、きちんと休憩を挟んで無理なくトレーニングできるようにしてくれます またトレーナーさんは理学療法士で、毎回身体をしっかりほぐしてくれるので、ケガを心配せずにトレーニ...優しく指導してもらえるだけでなく、きちんと休憩を挟んで無理なくトレーニングできるようにしてくれます
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Not only will they give you gentle guidance, but they will also make sure that you are able to train comfortably with regular breaks in between.
In addition, the trainer is a physical therapist who thoroughly relaxes your body every time, so you can concentrate on training without worrying about injury.
Recommended -
yutaとてもよかったです! また行きたいと思います! (Translated by Google) It was very good! I would like to go again!とてもよかったです!
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It was very good!
I would like to go again! -
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The environment where I could train and shape my body while having medical support was perfect for me. The facilities were well-equipped and the training repertoire was extensive. This is a service that can be recommended to people of all ages, so we recommend you to try it once! -
T. U理学療法士のトレーナーが在籍してるので、安心してトレーニングができるのでおすすめです。豊富な知識があるので、筋トレも体のケアも両方してくれて継続できそうです。室内も清潔感があって、快適にトレーニン...理学療法士のトレーナーが在籍してるので、安心してトレーニングができるのでおすすめです。豊富な知識があるので、筋トレも体のケアも両方してくれて継続できそうです。室内も清潔感があって、快適にトレーニングできました。
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We have physical therapist trainers on staff, so you can train with confidence. He has a wealth of knowledge, so I think I can continue with both muscle training and body care. The room was clean and I was able to train comfortably. -
M Y⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 堀切菖蒲園駅から近くて、手ぶらで行けるのがありがたいです🤭 個別に合わせたコンディショニングプランが用意されており、健康的にダイエットを進めることができます。トレーナーのサポートが手厚く、モチ...⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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I’m thankful that it’s close to Horikiri Shobuen Station and I can go there empty-handed 🤭
Individualized conditioning plans are available to help you maintain a healthy diet. The trainer's support is generous and it's easy to stay motivated. We have the latest equipment, and we look forward to seeing the results. Highly recommended for those who are serious about diet and conditioning! -
茂木安子運動嫌いなこともありジムには抵抗がありましたが、わかりやすく丁寧に教えて頂き、やる気が出る声かけもあったので楽しみながらトレーニングすることができました😊✨ 内装も綺麗で清潔な環境なので女性も安心して...運動嫌いなこともありジムには抵抗がありましたが、わかりやすく丁寧に教えて頂き、やる気が出る声かけもあったので楽しみながらトレーニングすることができました😊✨
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I was reluctant to go to the gym because I don't like exercise, but I was given easy-to-understand and thorough instructions, and I was able to have fun while training because I was encouraged by motivation.
The interior is beautiful and the environment is clean, so I thought women could feel safe and comfortable there. -
よしの. . 夏に向けて、露出した服が増えるので行きました〜! 駅からも近いし、全て貸し出してくれるので予定の前や仕事帰りにもいけるところがとても良かったです〜! トレーナーさんが理学療法士の資格を持っている....
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I went because there will be more revealing clothes for summer!
It's close to the station, and they rent out everything, so it's great to be able to go before a schedule or after work!
The trainer is a qualified physical therapist, so it's a great point that he can accurately cover the painful parts of your body while monitoring your training!
I go there a lot to maintain it! -
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It was my first time using a personal gym. The trainers will not only give you advice about your body, but also recommend protein and muscle training that you can do at home, so you can feel safe recommending it even to first-timers. From now on, I want to work hard to build my body towards my goals! -
HK最近在宅での仕事が増え、運動不足だったので、近所にオープンしたジムに体験で行かせていただきました。 服も靴も全て無料貸出とのことだったので、身軽で行けたのがまずとても良かったです!普段ガチガチに固...最近在宅での仕事が増え、運動不足だったので、近所にオープンしたジムに体験で行かせていただきました。
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I've been working from home a lot lately, and I haven't been getting enough exercise, so I went to a gym that opened in my neighborhood to try it out.
I was told that I could borrow all my clothes and shoes for free, so I was really glad that I was able to travel light! I started by relaxing my body, which was usually stiff, and it felt very good.
I don't usually exercise, so I was nervous when the training started, but they supported me very well and I was able to enjoy the training even though it was tough! I felt so refreshed and refreshed after it was over! It was more fun than I expected, so I plan on continuing to visit! Thank you again. -
You R-8010堀切菖蒲園駅前で立地もよく、改札出たらすぐの為アクセスしやすかったです! 理学療法士として働いていた方なので無理なく自分に合ったメニューでトレーニングしてくれる為楽しくパーソナルトレーニングできまし...堀切菖蒲園駅前で立地もよく、改札出たらすぐの為アクセスしやすかったです!
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It was conveniently located in front of Horikiri Shobuen Station, and it was easy to access as it was right outside the ticket gate!
He used to work as a physical therapist, so I was able to enjoy personal training because he trained me with a menu that suited me easily!
I also had a valuable experience in Pilates training for the first time in my life.
I heard that they also offer body care, so I would definitely go there next time to recover from fatigue! -
kshi madu新しくできたパーソナルジム。トレーナーさんは若いけど理学療法士なのでいろんな年齢の身体のことを良くわかっていて、安心してお任せできます。希望に合った強度、内容のトレーニングをやさしく楽しく教えてく...新しくできたパーソナルジム。トレーナーさんは若いけど理学療法士なのでいろんな年齢の身体のことを良くわかっていて、安心してお任せできます。希望に合った強度、内容のトレーニングをやさしく楽しく教えてくれます!ビル入口は狭くてちょっと入りづらいけど、室内は明るく綺麗な広々した空間で快適。マシンは本格的です。初めての方にもお勧めです!!
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A new personal gym. Although the trainer is young, he is a physical therapist, so he has a good understanding of the bodies of all ages, and I can trust him with his work. We will teach you the training intensity and content that suits your needs in an easy and fun way! The entrance to the building is narrow and a little difficult to enter, but the interior is bright, clean, spacious and comfortable. The machine is authentic. Recommended even for first-timers! ! -
德永翔太国家資格を持ってて身体の仕組みを詳しく理解しているトレーナーが要望に合わせてメニューを組んでくれて、丁寧に指導してくれます! 私は今回筋トレ自体久しぶりだったので最初は不安でしたが、楽しくてあっとい...国家資格を持ってて身体の仕組みを詳しく理解しているトレーナーが要望に合わせてメニューを組んでくれて、丁寧に指導してくれます!
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Our trainers, who are nationally qualified and have a detailed understanding of how the body works, will create a menu to suit your needs and give you detailed guidance!
It's been a while since I last did muscle training, so I was nervous at first, but it was so much fun that the time passed quickly!
I'm going to take this opportunity to get into the habit of muscle training again lol
In addition, we provide change of clothes and protein, so even beginners with no experience in muscle training can use it easily, and we have a complete set of training equipment, so both intermediate and advanced users can be satisfied (you can push yourself to the limit lol) I think I can train!
I'm also thankful that it's close to the station! ! -
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I recently visited this personal gym. The staff was very professional and created a conditioning program tailored to my needs. Equipped with the latest equipment and careful guidance, you can train effectively. It's very clean and I think it's easy for women to go there too! This is a place I would definitely recommend to anyone aiming for a healthy lifestyle. -
M Kパーソナルジムに行ってきましたが、本当に大満足の体験でした!トレーナーさんは非常にプロフェッショナルで、ダイエットの目標や筋力アップのプランを細かくカスタマイズしてくれました。一人ひとりに合った指...パーソナルジムに行ってきましたが、本当に大満足の体験でした!トレーナーさんは非常にプロフェッショナルで、ダイエットの目標や筋力アップのプランを細かくカスタマイズしてくれました。一人ひとりに合った指導が受けられるので、効果を実感できるのが嬉しいです。清潔で快適な環境もポイント高いです。初心者でも安心して通えます。おすすめです!
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I went to a personal gym and it was a really satisfying experience! The trainer was very professional and customized my diet goals and strength improvement plan in detail. I am happy that I can receive guidance tailored to each individual and see the results. A clean and comfortable environment is also a big plus. Even beginners can attend with confidence. Recommended! -
kkk rrrこのパーソナルジムに通い始めて筋力アップだけでなく、ピラティスで柔軟性も向上しました!トレーナーの指導は非常に丁寧で、個々のニーズに応じたカスタマイズが素晴らしいです。機材も最新で清潔感があります...このパーソナルジムに通い始めて筋力アップだけでなく、ピラティスで柔軟性も向上しました!トレーナーの指導は非常に丁寧で、個々のニーズに応じたカスタマイズが素晴らしいです。機材も最新で清潔感があります。おかげで身体が明らかに変わり、自信もアップしました。健康とフィットネスを真剣に考えるなら、ここは絶対におすすめです!
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Since I started attending this personal gym, I have not only improved my strength, but also improved my flexibility through Pilates! The trainer's guidance is very thorough and the customization according to individual needs is wonderful. The equipment is also up to date and clean. As a result, my body has clearly changed and my confidence has improved. If you are serious about your health and fitness, this is definitely the place! -
y以前からパーソナルトレーニングに興味があり、近くにオープンしたということで伺いました。 トレーナーの方にわかりやすく指導していただきました💪 室内も綺麗で、ウェア等必要なものは無料で貸していただけるの...以前からパーソナルトレーニングに興味があり、近くにオープンしたということで伺いました。
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I've been interested in personal training for some time, so I visited when I heard that it had opened nearby.
The trainer gave us easy-to-understand instructions 💪
The interior is clean, and you can borrow anything you need, such as clothing, for free, so even beginners can come here empty-handed and have fun! -
manae tanabe20代女性です。 運動する機会を増やしたいと思いパーソナルジムへ🏃♀️ 清潔感のある空間で、とても快適にトレーニングを行うことができました🏋️♀️✨ アメニティやウェア等々も揃っていて手ぶらで気軽に行けちゃ...20代女性です。
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I'm a woman in my 20s.
I want to have more opportunities to exercise, so I went to a personal gym 🏃♀️
I was able to train very comfortably in a clean space 🏋️♀️✨
I'm so happy that they have all the amenities, clothing, etc., so I can just go empty-handed 😌
He kindly and carefully taught me each form, so even I, a beginner, was able to have fun training💪
I was able to improve my form without wasting anything, and it made me realize once again how poorly I usually use my body.
My self-confidence increased when I worked out a good sweat after exercising for the first time in a while🙌🏻
Due to my personality, I can't push myself, so I would like to work with a trainer to create my ideal body.
Thank you for your kind and passionate guidance! -
HiR日々運動の必要性を感じながら、なかなか一歩が踏み出せず後回しに。新しくジムがOpenした事を知り、思い切って体験をお願いしました。 トレーナーさんとone to oneなので緊張していましたが、骨格や筋肉の状態を...日々運動の必要性を感じながら、なかなか一歩が踏み出せず後回しに。新しくジムがOpenした事を知り、思い切って体験をお願いしました。
トレーナーさんとone to oneなので緊張していましたが、骨格や筋肉の状態をチェックして自分の歩き方のくせを教えてもらえたり、トレーニング中は会話しながら無理なく進めて頂けたので、体験はあっという間でした。トレーナーさんは理学療法士さんでもあるとの事。和やかに進めながらも、専門職の目でその時の身体の状態に合わせてもらえるかなと感じました。
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Even though I feel the need to exercise every day, I can't take the first step and end up putting it off. When I learned that a new gym had opened, I took the plunge and asked to try it out.
I was nervous because I was one-on-one with the trainer, but he checked my skeletal and muscular conditions and taught me how to walk, and I was able to have a conversation with him during the training, so it was a great experience. The time passed so quickly. The trainer is also a physical therapist. Although the process was peaceful, I felt that a professional's perspective would help me adjust to my physical condition at the time.
I heard that Pilates lessons are also available, and when I have time, I want to give it a try, not only to train but also to have supple muscles. -
Tパーソナルトレーニングに以前から興味はありましたが、最近はジムがたくさんあるのでどこが良いか悩んでいました。 病院でのリハビリ経験がある理学療法士さんがトレーナーをされているとの事で、トレーニング方...パーソナルトレーニングに以前から興味はありましたが、最近はジムがたくさんあるのでどこが良いか悩んでいました。
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I've always been interested in personal training, but there are so many gyms these days that I've been wondering which one is best.
My trainer was a physical therapist with experience in hospital rehabilitation, so I felt at ease as the training methods and instructions were scientific and easy to understand.
It's unusual to have Pilates and massage plans, which is unique to a physical therapist!
I have lower back pain, so I decided to ask here because I can train with peace of mind.
Thank you for your continued support! ! -
shingo kondo代表の大槻トレーナーから施術及びトレーニングを受けました! 私は膝の手術を受けた後、医学的根拠に基づいた施術が出来るトレーナーを探しておりました。 代表の大槻トレーナーは、病院で培った医学的根拠に基...代表の大槻トレーナーから施術及びトレーニングを受けました!
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I received treatment and training from the representative trainer Otsuki!
After undergoing knee surgery, I was looking for a trainer who could perform treatments based on medical evidence.
The representative trainer, Otsuki, is able to perform treatments and training based on the medical evidence he has cultivated at the hospital, so even post-surgery patients like me can receive training with peace of mind!
Also, you can rent training wear and shoes for free, so you can come empty-handed!
Continue training to achieve your ideal body!
Thank you for your continued support! -
・ ・パーソナルトレーニングジムがOpenしたとのことで、体験させていただきました。 理学療法士の資格を持ってるトレーナーさんとピラティス資格保有者の方が在籍しており、トレーニングだけでなくボディケアも安心し...パーソナルトレーニングジムがOpenしたとのことで、体験させていただきました。
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I heard that a personal training gym had opened, so I decided to try it out.
We have a trainer who is a certified physical therapist and a Pilates certified person, so you can feel safe not only training but also body care.
The inside of the store was clean and felt open.
It's easy to access from Horikiri Shobuen Station, so even on rainy days, it's easy to keep going! -
TAISHI KAYAMA堀切菖蒲園にパーソナルトレーニングスタジオがオープンしたとの事で訪問しました。 理学療法士の国家資格保有者をトレーナー陣に揃えており、とても安心してカウンセリングをして頂けました。 トレーニングの際...堀切菖蒲園にパーソナルトレーニングスタジオがオープンしたとの事で訪問しました。
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I visited Horikiri Shobuen because I heard that a personal training studio had opened.
We have a team of trainers who are nationally certified physical therapists, so we felt very at ease with our counseling.
During training, you will be given guidance on not only the areas that are affected, but also why this particular event is used and what happens when you train.
I'm really looking forward to seeing myself after continuing.
In addition, I felt that it was a facility where you could improve your mental and physical health, as you can take a body care and pilates approach.
Thank you for your continued support. -
滝田都世史理学療法士の資格を持っている方が指導してくださるパーソナルジムです。 久しぶりの運動だったため、全身満遍なく無理のないように動かしたいと相談したところ、無理のない範囲ギリギリを見極めて丁寧に指導して...理学療法士の資格を持っている方が指導してくださるパーソナルジムです。
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This is a personal gym taught by qualified physical therapists.
It had been a long time since I had exercised, so I asked him if I wanted to move my whole body evenly and without straining myself, and he carefully guided me to the limits of what was within my limits.
I feel that my time performance is better than training alone at a gym because he looks at my form in detail to ensure that the load is applied to the appropriate areas.
I would like you to teach me again if it is convenient. -
宅和希翔理学療法士の経歴がある方がトレーナーで、 トレーニングだけでなく身体のケアも丁寧にサポートしてくれます! 個人の希望に合わせてトレーニングの強度を調節してもらえるのでどなたでもオススメです! (Transl...理学療法士の経歴がある方がトレーナーで、
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The trainer is someone with a background as a physical therapist.
They will not only help you with your training, but also with your physical care!
We recommend it to everyone as you can adjust the training intensity to suit your individual needs! -